Stan and Karen World Cruise

Stan and Karen World Cruise

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

calmer seas - Day 3

Beautifully smooth seas today, some clouds in the sky and still cool (not cold) outside. We will pass the halfway point to Hawaii today - we get reports on sea floor mountain formations - kind of interested but the tops are still way below us (like 1000 feet).

Ginger candy was helpful last evening. We went to the comedian show, but we were both falling asleep. I think the Bonine still causes some drowsiness. The show wasn't all that great. Just a bit too rocky to feel great, so we went to bed pretty early.

I'm having issues with a very tight shoulder muscle (probably either from my backpack or lifting the other cases). May have to see the Spa ladies or see if my friend, Kim, knows someone in Honolulu.

Nice breakfast table mates today (quite talkative so I didn't need to be :) - but it seems like most everyone is only going as far as Sydney or Auckland.

A bit concerned about my data usage on my phone - supposed to have unlimited data in general, but got a text from T-Mobile about potentially high data charges. Have everything shut down now, but Words with Friends is big data user. Will have to wait until Hawaii to spend time chasing that down.

Tonight is our first formal night, reception with the captain and Cunard Ball. There are definitely dancers on this ship, so we won't really try the ballroom, but we'll still dress for the occasion - black and white isn't too hard to pull off.

The mid-day report from the captain indicates rough seas ahead later tonight and tomorrow :(.  Nice respite today, though.

Enjoyed afternoon tea while Stan napped. Quite nice.

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